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SEAI Non-Domestic Microgen Scheme

Receive up to €162,600 towards the installation of solar PV for your business, farm, school, community centres, or other non-profit organisation. PV Solar Ireland are a fully compliant Company on the SEAI approved Non-Domestic Microgen Grant (NDMG) list of registered Solar PV Companies.

Note: “before you apply for your grant, you must choose your preferred company and agree a formal contract with them for the agreed work”

About the Grant

The Non-Domestic Microgen Grant (NDMG) provides financial assistance to help businesses and other sectors to install solar PV panels to generate electricity on site. Grant funding is available for systems up to a maximum 1000kWp. (Up to €162,600)

Grant Amounts for the Solar PV System

The grant amount you receive is based on the standard output of your solar PV system. A solar PV system with an output of a maximum 1000kWp can be grant funded through the scheme. If a larger size system is installed, then the installation will not be considered eligible to claim the NDMG grant. The maximum grant offering is €162,600* and this is available for systems from 1kWp to a maximum of 1000kWp.

*Figure based on the maximum system size of 1000kWp

Solar PV System Grant Value
1kWP* €900
2kWp €1,800
3kWp €2,100
4kWp €2,400
5kWp €2,400
6kWp €2,400
7kWp-20kWp €300/kWp
21kWp-200kWp €200/kWp
201kWp-1000kWp (1MWp) €150/kWp
*kilo Watt peak(standard test output of a PV panel)
Example-A typical 30kWp solar PV system typically consists of 75 solar PV panels with an overall area of 125m2

Example Solar PV System size and grant value
Example Solar PV System Size Grant Value
7kWp €2,700
15kWp €5,100
20kWp €6,600
30kWp €8,600
50kWp €12,600
100kWp €22,600
200kWp €42,600
300kWp €57,600
400kWp €72,600
500kWp €87,600
1000kWp €162,600 max grant value

Who can apply?

This grant is available to:

  • Businesses
  • The agricultural sector
  • Public sector bodies
  • Schools
  • Community centres
  • Non-profit societies

Contact our dedicated grant team who will bring you step by step through the process. All you will have to do is register and appoint PV Solar Ireland as your preferred company. (Note you will have to agree a formal contract with us for the agreed work prior to registration)

How to apply?

Contact our dedicated grant team who will bring you step by step through the process. All you will have to do is register and appoint PV Solar Ireland as your preferred company. (Note you will have to agree a formal contract with us for the agreed work prior to registration)

We will take care of the application to ESB networks on your behalf, install and commission the system, submit the requisite evidence and documentation to SEAI post completion. Please note our dedicated and experienced team pride ourselves on prompt uploading of the data to SEAI – over 70 successful grant applications to date (at time of writing).